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GMP – Global Certification Indonesia

Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)

Introduction to GMP

GMP refers to the Good Manufacturing Practice Regulations.

GMP regulations address issues including:

GlobalGROUP Record Keeping GlobalGROUP Equipment Verification
GlobalGROUP Personnel Qualifications GlobalGROUP Process Validation
GlobalGROUP Sanitation GlobalGROUP Complaint Handling
GlobalGROUP Cleanliness  

GMP certification is granted to manufacturing or service systems of organisations to certify that they engage with good manufacturing practices in their manufacturing or service processes according to a Standard Code of Practice related to their business.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Choose Us?
Global Clients chose us in preference to others for a variety of reasons. In most cases it’s because they like our fair and practical approach throughout the entire certification process and how we understand and meet each individual client’s needs. In short the Quality of our Service.

Benefits include:

GlobalGROUP Network of Overseas Strategic Partners GlobalGROUP International Accepted Certificates
GlobalGROUP Recognised Worldwide GlobalGROUP Web Discussion Group
GlobalGROUP Industry Experienced Audit Team GlobalGROUP Free Newsletters & Updates
GlobalGROUP Defined & Agreed Project Timescales GlobalGROUP Email Help Desk
GlobalGROUP Fixed Cost & Competitive Quotations