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Management Certification


[wptab name=’ISO 9001′]

Apa ISO 9001 itu?

ISO 9001 adalah standar yang diakui secara internasional untuk sistem manajemen mutu. Standard ini bersifat umum dan melayani untuk kedua industri manufaktur dan jasa. Organisasi yang disertifikasi dengan standar nya mencerminkan bukti dari operasi bisnis yang didukung oleh platform sistem manajemen mutu yang mendasar dan kuat.

Bisnis yang berulang-ulang hanya diberikan kepada organisasi yang dapat memberikan layanan atau produk dengan konsistensi dan tanpa penyimpangan yang dibuktikan melalui memenuhi persyaratan standar ini. Pada intinya, organisasi dengan QMS yang efektif biasanya akan memenuhi harapan pelanggan yang lebih baik daripada sebuah organisasi yang tidak memiliki QMS yang efektif.

Our approach:

GlobalGROUP mengkhususkan diri dalam Sertifikasi didukung oleh sistem TI yang efisien dan sekelompok profesional dan ahli. Garis ahli kami menyediakan Anda dengan pendekatan proses audit yang bertujuan untuk mempromosikan perbaikan terus-menerus memungkinkan organisasi Anda untuk tetap kompetitif secara global.

Kami menghilangkan kerumitan birokrasi dan menawarkan pada Anda biaya audit yang paling masuk akal, yang semakin memperjelas mengapa kita masih tetap sebagai pesaing agresif dalam bisnis sertifikasi.

Apa manfaat dari sertifikasi?

GlobalGROUP Improved consistency of service and product performance
GlobalGROUP Ensures that customers come back and not the products or services delivered
GlobalGROUP Improved operational efficiency and competitiveness hence reducing overheads
GlobalGROUP Reduce costs but increase profitability
GlobalGROUP Increased marketing and sales opportunities
GlobalGROUP International acceptance

Contact us

For more information about ISO 13485 please contact us by phone or email at We will be pleased to assist you.

[/wptab] [wptab name=’ISO 13485′]

Apa ISO 13485:2003 itu?

ISO 13485 adalah standar internasional yang diterbitkan dalam mendefinisikan persyaratan sistem manajemen mutu bagi produsen peralatan medis dan peralatan. Tujuan utama dari standar ini adalah untuk memfasilitasi persyaratan sistem manajemen mutu harmonis untuk tujuan peraturan dalam sektor peralatan medis. ISO 13485 telah didasarkan pada persyaratan ISO 9001 dan memiliki struktur yang sama dalam hal klausa. The ISO 13485 standar, peralatan medis – sistem manajemen mutu – persyaratan untuk tujuan peraturan, adalah dasar untuk kepatuhan peraturan di pasar ekspor lokal dan sebagian. Memiliki sertifikasi menunjukkan komitmen Anda untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan Anda.

Siapa yang dapat mengajukan permohonan untuk sertifikasi ISO 13485?

ISO 13485 ini berlaku untuk semua produsen dan pemasok peralatan medis, komponen, layanan kontrak dan distributor alat-alat medis. Untuk sejumlah pasar sertifikasi ISO 13485 tidak cukup sendiri dan sertifikasi peraturan lokal yang sesuai juga diperlukan untuk memproduksi secara legal dan menjual perangkat medis.

Persyaratan standar ISO 13485?

Standar ISO 13485 berisi persyaratan khusus untuk pembuatan, instalasi dan servis dan membutuhkan:

GlobalGROUP Risk management approach to product development and product realisation
GlobalGROUP Validation of processes
GlobalGROUP Compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements
GlobalGROUP Effective product traceability and recall systems
GlobalGROUP Implementation of a quality management system with several enhancements

What are the Benefits of ISO 13485 Certification?

GlobalGROUP Reduced operating costs GlobalGROUP Proven business credentials
GlobalGROUP Improved stakeholder relationships GlobalGROUP Openings in new markets
GlobalGROUP Legal compliance GlobalGROUP Customer satisfaction
GlobalGROUP Improved risk management

What is the certification process?

The certification process is in three simple steps:

Application for certification

Complete the on line form for GlobalGROUP to send a quotation.

Initial Certification Audit

The assessment process is based on a 2 stage approach as follows:

Stage 1 – a basis audit to check whether the organisation is in a state of readiness for the stage 2 audit and involves the following:

GlobalGROUP Confirm that the quality manual conforms to the requirements of the ISO 13485
GlobalGROUP Confirm the scope of certification including any justifiable exclusions
GlobalGROUP Check legislative compliance
GlobalGROUP Production of a report that identifies any non-compliance or potential for non-compliance and
GlobalGROUP Agree a corrective action plan if required.
GlobalGROUP Production of an assessment plan and confirm a date for the stage 2 assessment visit.

Stage 2 – the purpose of this visit is to confirm that the quality management system fully conforms to the requirements of ISO 13485 in practice and involves the following:

GlobalGROUP Undertake sample audits of the processes and activities defined in the scope of assessment
GlobalGROUP Document how the system complies with the standard
GlobalGROUP Report any non-compliances or observations
GlobalGROUP Produce an audit programme and confirm a month and year for the first surveillance visit

Contact us

For more information about ISO 13485 please contact us by phone or email at We will be pleased to assist you.

[/wptab] [wptab name=’ISO 14001′]

Why Get Certified?

The reasons for and benefits of an inspection/assessment & certification service vary according to the Scheme (ISO Standard or EC Directive) and a client’s individual circumstances.

Click here to view a video about the standard from the ISO website.

Benefits of becoming certified include:

GlobalGROUP Compliance with a legal or business requirement
GlobalGROUP Competitive advantage in the marketplace
GlobalGROUP Identifying problem areas and opportunities for improvement
GlobalGROUP Independent verification of system suitability & process reliability.
GlobalGROUP Enhancing business reputation & corporate image
GlobalGROUP Showing people your care & commitment about a subject of concern
GlobalGROUP Greater staff awareness of and responsibility for company obligations
GlobalGROUP Better resource usage and reduced costs of failures.
GlobalGROUP Demonstrating “Due Diligence” to be in more legally defensible position against possible lawsuits.

Why Choose Us?

Global Clients chose us in preference to others for a variety of reasons. In most cases it’s because they like our fair and practical approach throughout the entire certification process and how we understand and meet each individual client’s needs. In short the Quality of our Service.

Benefits include:

GlobalGROUP Network of Overseas Strategic Partners GlobalGROUP Fixed Cost & Competitive Quotations
GlobalGROUP Accredited Certification GlobalGROUP International Accepted Certificates
GlobalGROUP Recognised Worldwide GlobalGROUP Web Discussion Group
GlobalGROUP Industry Experienced Audit Team GlobalGROUP Free Newsletters & Updates
GlobalGROUP Defined & Agreed Project Timescales GlobalGROUP Email Help Desk

Contact us

For more information about ISO 13485 please contact us by phone or email at We will be pleased to assist you.

[/wptab] [wptab name=’ISO 22000′]

Apa ISO 22000 itu ?

ISO 22000 & HACCP adalah sistem manajemen keamanan pangan bagi organisasi yang ingin menerapkan sistem untuk menjamin produk pangan higienis dan aman untuk dikonsumsi.

Sistem ini secara sistematis dapat menghindarkan timbulnya ancaman kesehatan oleh makanan dan akan menghasilkan keuntungan bagi perusahaan. Global Certification Indonesia menawarkan sertifikasi Sistem Manajemen Keamanan Pangan ISO 22000 dan HACCP.

Why Get Certified?

The reasons for and benefits of an inspection/assessment & certification service vary according to the Scheme (ISO Standard or EC Directive) and a client’s individual circumstances.

Benefits of becoming certified include:

GlobalGROUP Compliance with a legal or business requirement
GlobalGROUP Competitive advantage in the marketplace
GlobalGROUP Identifying problem areas and opportunities for improvement
GlobalGROUP Independent verification of system suitability & process reliability.
GlobalGROUP Enhancing business reputation & corporate image
GlobalGROUP Showing people your care & commitment about a subject of concern
GlobalGROUP Greater staff awareness of and responsibility for company obligations
GlobalGROUP Better resource usage and reduced costs of failures.
GlobalGROUP Demonstrating “Due Diligence” to be in more legally defensible position against possible lawsuits.

Why Choose Us?

Global Clients chose us in preference to others for a variety of reasons. In most cases it’s because they like our fair and practical approach throughout the entire certification process and how we understand and meet each individual client’s needs. In short the Quality of our Service.

Benefits include:

GlobalGROUP Network of Overseas Strategic Partners GlobalGROUP Fixed Cost & Competitive Quotations
GlobalGROUP Accredited Certification GlobalGROUP International Accepted Certificates
GlobalGROUP Recognised Worldwide GlobalGROUP Web Discussion Group
GlobalGROUP Industry Experienced Audit Team GlobalGROUP Free Newsletters & Updates
GlobalGROUP Defined & Agreed Project Timescales GlobalGROUP Email Help Desk

Contact us

For more information about ISO 13485 please contact us by phone or email at We will be pleased to assist you.

[/wptab] [wptab name=’ISO 27001′]

What is ISO 27001?

ISO 27001 is a specification for the management of information security. It is applicable to all sectors of industry and not confined to just information held on computers. Information may be printed or written on paper, stored electronically, transmitted by post or email, shown on films, or spoken in conversation. Whatever the media the information takes, or means by which it is shared or stored, the ISO 27001 standard assists in providing a system approach an organisation ensure it is always appropriately protected.

Information security can be characterised as:

Confidentiality, ensuring that access to information is appropriately authorised
Integrity, safeguarding the accuracy and completeness of information and processing methods
Availability, ensuring that authorized users have access to information when they need it

Why apply for ISO 27001 certification?

Information is now globally accepted as being a vital asset for most organisations. Therefore the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of corporate and customer information may be essential to maintain competitive edge, cash-flow, profitability, legal compliance and commercial image.

The ISO 27001 standard is intended to assist with these risks. It is easy to imagine the consequences and damage to a brand or organisation if its information was lost, destroyed, corrupted, burnt, flooded, sabotaged or misused.

Requirements of the ISO 27001 standard?

The main requirements of the standard can be categorised as follows:

GlobalGROUP Security policy GlobalGROUP Communications and operations management
GlobalGROUP Organisational security GlobalGROUP Access control
GlobalGROUP Asset classification and control GlobalGROUP System development and maintenance
GlobalGROUP Personnel security GlobalGROUP Business continuity management
GlobalGROUP Physical and environmental security GlobalGROUP Compliance

What are the benefits of ISO 27001 certification?

GlobalGROUP Demonstration of credibility and trust GlobalGROUP Proven business credentials
GlobalGROUP Establishes that laws and regulations are being met GlobalGROUP Openings in new markets
GlobalGROUP Ensures commitment to on-going information security GlobalGROUP Customer satisfaction
GlobalGROUP Provides confidence to stakeholders, customer, trading partners, employees

What is the certification process?

The certification process is in three simple steps:

Application for certification

Complete the on line form for GlobalGROUP to send a quotation.

Initial Certification Audit

The assessment process is based on a 2 stage approach as follows:

Stage 1 – a basic audit to check whether the organisation is in a state of readiness for the stage 2 audit and involves the following:

GlobalGROUP Confirm that the quality manual conforms to the requirements of the ISO 27001 GlobalGROUP Production of a report that identifies any non-compliance or potential for non-compliance and
GlobalGROUP Confirm the scope of certification including any justifiable exclusions GlobalGROUPProduction of an assessment plan and confirm a date for the stage 2 assessment visit.
GlobalGROUP Check legislative compliance GlobalGROUP Agree a corrective action plan if required.

Stage 2 – the purpose of this visit is to confirm that the quality management system fully conforms to the
requirements of ISO 27001 in practice and involves the following:

GlobalGROUP Undertake sample audits of the processes and activities defined in the scope of assessment GlobalGROUP Produce an audit programme and confirm a month and year for the first surveillance visit
GlobalGROUP Document how the system complies with the standard GlobalGROUP Report any non-compliances or observations

Contact us

For more information about ISO 27001 please contact us by phone or email at We will be pleased to assist you.

[/wptab] [wptab name=’OHSAS 18001′]

Apa OHSAS 18001 itu ?

Standar OHSAS 18001 dikembangkan untuk membantu organisasi memenuhi persyaratan kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja dan peraturan pemerintah. Sistem ini dapat diintegrasikan dengan sistem manajemen mutu dan sistem manajemen lingkungan sehingga organisasi mempunyai satu sistem yang terintegrasi.

Why Get Certified?

The reasons for and benefits of an inspection/assessment & certification service vary according to the Scheme (ISO Standard or EC Directive) and a client’s individual circumstances.

Benefits of becoming certified include:

GlobalGROUP Compliance with a legal or business requirement
GlobalGROUP Competitive advantage in the marketplace
GlobalGROUP Identifying problem areas and opportunities for improvement
GlobalGROUP Independent verification of system suitability & process reliability.
GlobalGROUP Enhancing business reputation & corporate image
GlobalGROUP Showing people your care & commitment about a subject of concern
GlobalGROUP Greater staff awareness of and responsibility for company obligations
GlobalGROUP Better resource usage and reduced costs of failures.
GlobalGROUP Demonstrating “Due Diligence” to be in more legally defensible position against possible lawsuits.

Why Choose Us?

Global Clients chose us in preference to others for a variety of reasons. In most cases it’s because they like our fair and practical approach throughout the entire certification process and how we understand and meet each individual client’s needs. In short the Quality of our Service.

Benefits include:

GlobalGROUP Network of Overseas Strategic Partners GlobalGROUP Fixed Cost & Competitive Quotations
GlobalGROUP Accredited Certification GlobalGROUP International Accepted Certificates
GlobalGROUP Recognised Worldwide GlobalGROUP Web Discussion Group
GlobalGROUP Industry Experienced Audit Team GlobalGROUP Free Newsletters & Updates
GlobalGROUP Defined & Agreed Project Timescales GlobalGROUP Email Help Desk

Contact us

For more information about ISO 27001 please contact us by phone or email at We will be pleased to assist you.

[/wptab] [wptab name=’SA 8000′]

Diperkirakan bahwa lebih dari 100 juta anak di seluruh dunia dalam pekerjaan penuh-waktu. Di bawah persyaratan kepatuhan sosial, perusahaan tidak harus memungkinkan pekerja anak. Mereka juga harus menyediakan tempat kerja yang aman dan sehat untuk semua dan menghormati hak seluruh karyawan untuk bergabung dengan serikat buruh. Diskriminasi, dalam bentuk apapun, tidak diperbolehkan dan tidak adalah hukuman fisik atau pelecehan verbal.

Organisasi-organisasi yang mendapatkan sertifikasi kepatuhan sosial akan memastikan bahwa karyawan mereka dan para karyawan pemasok mereka tidak bekerja selama lebih dari 48 jam per minggu atau lebih dari enam hari per minggu. Upah seluruh rantai pasokan harus berada di buruk sama dengan tingkat minimum hukum atau industri dan harus meninggalkan karyawan dengan pendapatan tambahan.

Persyaratan akhir yang mengatur sistem manajemen menetapkan prosedur dan struktur yang perusahaan harus mengadopsi untuk memastikan kepatuhan dengan standar ini terus dievaluasi.

Apa SA 8000 itu?
SA 8000 adalah standar terdengar pertama di bidang ini. Secara khusus, itu adalah kompatibel dengan ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 struktur dan berdasarkan konvensi Organisasi Buruh Internasional (ILO), Deklarasi Universal Hak Asasi Manusia dan Konvensi PBB tentang Hak Anak. Sertifikasi diakui di seluruh dunia dengan standar SA 8000 melibatkan pengembangan dan audit sistem manajemen yang mempromosikan praktek kerja diterima secara sosial membawa manfaat bagi rantai pasokan lengkap.
Who is SAAS?
SAAS singkatan dari Layanan Social Accountability Akreditasi (SAAS) yang merupakan Badan Akreditasi yang didirikan untuk memberikan Akreditasi dan memantau Organisasi sebagai lembaga sertifikasi Standar Sosial yang memenuhi persyaratan SA 8000. SAAS dimulai sebagai departemen dalam SAI, yang standar untuk Social Accountability International pada tahun 1997 dan didirikan sebagai sebuah organisasi non-profit sepuluh tahun kemudian pada tahun 2007.
What are SA 8000 Main Requirements?

There are nine key areas to Social Compliance and SA 8000, which are:

GlobalGROUP Child Labour GlobalGROUP Disciplinary Practices
GlobalGROUP Forced Labour GlobalGROUP Working Hours
GlobalGROUP Health & Safety GlobalGROUP Compensation
GlobalGROUP Freedom of Association & Collective Bargaining GlobalGROUP Management systems
GlobalGROUP Discrimination

Within the key areas there is specific focus on:

GlobalGROUP A ban on child labour and forced labour
GlobalGROUP Demanding and introducing humane working conditions
GlobalGROUP The guarantee of a living wage
GlobalGROUP No discrimination on the grounds of race, gender, or religion
GlobalGROUP The systematic improvement of working conditions
GlobalGROUP External verification (through certification)
GlobalGROUP The right to freedom of association, to organize in trade unions and engage in collective wage negotiations
GlobalGROUP Commitment to a maximum working period of 48 hours per week with one free day

Why Get Certified?

Having a robust and effectively implemented social accountability management will benefit your business by:

GlobalGROUP Enhancement of your brand, image and reputation GlobalGROUP Attracting new customers
GlobalGROUP Improving worker morale and thus effectiveness GlobalGROUP Attracting ethical investment
GlobalGROUP Creation of new opportunities GlobalGROUP Demonstrating transparency to stakeholders
GlobalGROUP Giving you are edge over non-approved competitors

What is the Assessment Process?

Initial Enquiry

Please complete our on line application (link here to application) and we will make contact with you if there are any clarifications. We shall then issue a quotation which will cover the assessment and certification processes.

Assessment Process

Once the contract has been agreed with us, the social accountability assessment is conducted:

GlobalGROUP Assessment team appointed and communicated
GlobalGROUP Stage 1 Visit On-Site
GlobalGROUP Stage 2 Visit On-Site

Certification Process

Recommendations from the Lead Auditor to the Decision Maker regarding award of Certification.

Surveillance Process

It is a requirement under our Accreditation that continual monitoring visits take place. These visits will be agreed in advance, with the exception of visit 2 in the certification cycle which shall be unannounced.

Contact us

For more information about ISO 27001 please contact us by phone or email at We will be pleased to assist you.

[/wptab] [wptab name=’ISO 50001′]

What is ISO 50001?

Organisasi tidak mampu mengendalikan harga energi, kebijakan negara nasional atau ekonomi global, namun, sebuah organisasi dapat memperbaiki cara mereka mengelola energi.

Meningkatkan kinerja energi dapat memberikan manfaat bagi suatu organisasi dengan memaksimalkan penggunaan sumber energi dan aset terkait energi. Tujuannya yaitu untuk mengurangi baik biaya energi dan konsumsi.

Tujuan dari ISO 50001 adalah untuk menyediakan organisasi dengan kerangka kerja untuk mengintegrasikan kinerja energi ke dalam praktek manajemen sehari-hari mereka. Organisasi-organisasi internasional akan memiliki akses ke standar internasional harmonis untuk implementasi di seluruh organisasi dengan metodologi yang konsisten untuk mengidentifikasi dan melaksanakan perbaikan.
What are the Benefits?

GlobalGROUP Assist in making better use of their existing energy consuming assets
GlobalGROUP Facilitate communication on the management of energy resources
GlobalGROUP Promote energy management best practices and reinforce good energy management behaviour
GlobalGROUP Assist evaluating and prioritising the implementation of new energy efficient technologies
GlobalGROUP Provides a framework for promoting energy efficiency throughout the supply chain
GlobalGROUP Facilitate energy management improvements for greenhouse gas emission reduction projects
GlobalGROUP Integration with other organisational management systems such as environmental, and health and safety.

Contact us

For more information about ISO 50001 please contact us by phone or email at We will be pleased to assist you.

[/wptab] [wptab name=’HACCP’]
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) adalah suatu sistem kontrol dalam upaya pencegahan terjadinya masalah yang didasarkan atas identifikasi titik-titik kritis di dalam tahap penanganan dan proses produksi. HACCP merupakan salah satu bentuk manajemen resiko yang dikembangkan untuk menjamin keamanan pangan dengan pendekatan pencegahan (preventive) yang dianggap dapat memberikan jaminan dalam menghasilkan makanan yang aman bagi konsumen.
Tujuan dari penerapan HACCP dalam suatu industri pangan adalah untuk mencegah terjadinya bahaya sehingga dapat dipakai sebagai jaminan mutu pangan guna memenuhi tututan konsumen. HACCP bersifat sebagai sistem pengendalian mutu sejak bahan baku dipersiapkan sampai produk akhir diproduksi masal dan didistribusikan. Oleh karena itu dengan diterapkannya sistem HACCP akan mencegah resiko komplain karena adanya bahaya pada suatu produk pangan. Selain itu, HACCP juga dapat berfungsi sebagai promosi perdagangan di era pasar global yang memiliki daya saing kompetitif.
Pada beberapa negara penerapan HACCP ini bersifat sukarela dan banyak industri pangan yang telah menerapkannya. Disamping karena meningkatnya kesadaran masyarakat baik produsen dan konsumen dalam negeri akan keamanan pangan, penerapan HACCP di industri pangan banyak dipicu oleh permintaan konsumen terutama dari negara pengimpor.
Penerapan HACCP dalam industri pangan memerlukan komitmen yang tinggi dari pihak manajemen perusahaan yang bersangkutan. Disamping itu, agar penerapan HACCP ini sukses maka perusahaan perlu memenuhi prasyarat dasar industri pangan yaitu, telah diterapkannya Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) dan Standard Sanitation Operational Procedure (SSOP).
Beberapa keuntungan yang dapat diperoleh suatu industri pangan dengan penerapan sistem HACCP antara lain meningkatkan keamanan pangan pada produk makanan yang dihasilkan, meningkatkan kepuasan konsumen sehingga keluhan konsumen akan berkurang, memperbaiki fungsi pengendalian, mengubah pendekatan pengujian akhir yang bersifat retrospektif kepada pendekatan jaminan mutu yang bersifat preventif , dan mengurangi limbah dan kerusakan produk atau waste .
Contact usFor more information about ISO 50001 please contact us by phone or email at We will be pleased to assist you.
[/wptab] [wptab name=’GMP’]

Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)Introduction to GMP

GMP refers to the Good Manufacturing Practice Regulations.

GMP regulations address issues including:

GlobalGROUP Record Keeping GlobalGROUP Equipment Verification
GlobalGROUP Personnel Qualifications GlobalGROUP Process Validation
GlobalGROUP Sanitation GlobalGROUP Complaint Handling
GlobalGROUP Cleanliness

Sertifikasi GMP diberikan kepada manufaktur atau jasa sistem organisasi untuk menyatakan bahwa mereka terlibat dengan praktek manufaktur yang baik di bidang manufaktur atau jasa proses mereka sesuai dengan Kode Standar Praktek yang berhubungan dengan bisnis mereka.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Choose Us?
Global Clients chose us in preference to others for a variety of reasons. In most cases it’s because they like our fair and practical approach throughout the entire certification process and how we understand and meet each individual client’s needs. In short the Quality of our Service.

Benefits include:

GlobalGROUP Network of Overseas Strategic Partners GlobalGROUP International Accepted Certificates
GlobalGROUP Recognised Worldwide GlobalGROUP Web Discussion Group
GlobalGROUP Industry Experienced Audit Team GlobalGROUP Free Newsletters & Updates
GlobalGROUP Defined & Agreed Project Timescales GlobalGROUP Email Help Desk
GlobalGROUP Fixed Cost & Competitive Quotations

Contact us

For more information about ISO 27001 please contact us by phone or email at We will be pleased to assist you.

[/wptab] [wptab name=’SMK3′]
What is SMK3?
SMK3 stands for Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja.Why Get Certified?The reasons for and benefits of an inspection/assessment & certification service vary according to the Scheme (ISO Standard or EC Directive) and a client’s individual circumstances.Click here to view a video about the standard from the ISO website.

Benefits of becoming certified include:

GlobalGROUP Compliance with a legal or business requirement
GlobalGROUP Competitive advantage in the marketplace
GlobalGROUP Identifying problem areas and opportunities for improvement
GlobalGROUP Independent verification of system suitability & process reliability.
GlobalGROUP Enhancing business reputation & corporate image
GlobalGROUP Showing people your care & commitment about a subject of concern
GlobalGROUP Greater staff awareness of and responsibility for company obligations
GlobalGROUP Better resource usage and reduced costs of failures.
GlobalGROUP Demonstrating “Due Diligence” to be in more legally defensible position against possible lawsuits.

Why Choose Us?

Global Clients chose us in preference to others for a variety of reasons. In most cases it’s because they like our fair and practical approach throughout the entire certification process and how we understand and meet each individual client’s needs. In short the Quality of our Service.

Benefits include:

GlobalGROUP Network of Overseas Strategic Partners GlobalGROUP Fixed Cost & Competitive Quotations
GlobalGROUP Accredited Certification GlobalGROUP International Accepted Certificates
GlobalGROUP Recognised Worldwide GlobalGROUP Web Discussion Group
GlobalGROUP Industry Experienced Audit Team GlobalGROUP Free Newsletters & Updates
GlobalGROUP Defined & Agreed Project Timescales GlobalGROUP Email Help Desk

Contact us

For more information about ISO 27001 please contact us by phone or email at We will be pleased to assist you.

[/wptab] [wptab name=’OTHERS’]

Why Get Certified?The reasons for and benefits of an inspection/assessment & certification service vary according to the Scheme (ISO Standard or EC Directive) and a client’s individual circumstances.

Click here to view a video about the standard from the ISO website.

Benefits of becoming certified include:

GlobalGROUP Compliance with a legal or business requirement
GlobalGROUP Competitive advantage in the marketplace
GlobalGROUP Identifying problem areas and opportunities for improvement
GlobalGROUP Independent verification of system suitability & process reliability.
GlobalGROUP Enhancing business reputation & corporate image
GlobalGROUP Showing people your care & commitment about a subject of concern
GlobalGROUP Greater staff awareness of and responsibility for company obligations
GlobalGROUP Better resource usage and reduced costs of failures.
GlobalGROUP Demonstrating “Due Diligence” to be in more legally defensible position against possible lawsuits.

Why Choose Us?

Global Clients chose us in preference to others for a variety of reasons. In most cases it’s because they like our fair and practical approach throughout the entire certification process and how we understand and meet each individual client’s needs. In short the Quality of our Service.

Benefits include:

GlobalGROUP Network of Overseas Strategic Partners GlobalGROUP Fixed Cost & Competitive Quotations
GlobalGROUP Accredited Certification GlobalGROUP International Accepted Certificates
GlobalGROUP Recognised Worldwide GlobalGROUP Web Discussion Group
GlobalGROUP Industry Experienced Audit Team GlobalGROUP Free Newsletters & Updates
GlobalGROUP Defined & Agreed Project Timescales GlobalGROUP Email Help Desk

Contact us

For more information about ISO 27001 please contact us by phone or email at We will be pleased to assist you.

[/wptab] [end_wptabset]